Wishing you a joyful and restful winter break! See you in the new year!
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Innovation Lab High School - Raven about PTSA Newsletter
December 16, 2024
Vol. 4 Issue 05
December 2024
You belong in the PTSA! Join or Renew today!
There are no meeting attendance or volunteer requirements to be a member, but we would love to have you join and participate whenever you can!
Emergency Preparation (E-Prep) 
E Prep Supplies Needed
Did you know that Innovation Lab HS has supplies set aside in case of emergency?

If there was an emergency or natural disaster the school has food, water and basic supplies to keep students and staff safe as they work to reunite students with their families. 
When inventorying the supplies, we found that we could use a few more basic items. We're asking for our community's help in donating supplies that will assist our school in case of an emergency.
Please visit our Amazon Wish List to see how you can help -  Items purchased off the list will be delivered to our ILHS PTSA Emergency Preparedness Chair - Jane Chiodo - and then inventoried and placed in the ILHS emergency supply shed. Email eprep@ilhsptsa.org with any questions. 
January Staff Appreciation Lunch
Staff Appreciation Winter Soup

January is National Soup Month! 

Let’s kick off the new year by showing our appreciation for our amazing staff with a Soup Lunch! We’d love your help by providing a crockpot of warmed soup for this special event.

Here’s how you can help:

  • Sign up to bring a crockpot of your favorite soup. 
Drop-Off Info:
Bring your labeled crockpot and ladle to the front office the morning of Friday, January 10th. Sign up to contribute!

Thank you for your support and for helping us show our appreciation to the staff!
Save the Date: Reflections Art Reception

Northshore Council PTSA's Annual Reflections Arts Reception will be on Saturday, January 11th at the Brightwater Center in Woodinville!
The community is invited to stop by and see all of the amazing artists in Northshore School District including including pieces from our very own Ravens! Parking is limited. Please see suggested viewing schedule

Questions? Email ILHS PTSA Reflections chair at reflections@ilhsptsa.org.

Northshore Council PTSA Annual Reflections Art Reception

ILHS PTSA Advocacy Updates

Join the Movement: Advocacy in Action! Are you ready to spark some meaningful change? Whether you're passionate about education reform or eager to foster greater engagement and representation in Northshore, this is your space to share, listen, and lead -- as much or as little as your heart desires!   
Advocacy Coalition Meetings are held on Zoom, the second Tuesday of each month at 8 PM. For more details, visit the Northshore Council PTSA blog 
Save the Date:
WSPTA Focus on Advocacy Day - Monday, February 17, 2025 in Olympia! Students are encouraged to attend.

Want to learn more about PTA advocacy opportunties? 
Please visit our advocacy page or email Holly M., ILHS Advocacy Chair at advocacy@ilhsptsa.org 

You're Invited: January Membership Meeting

ILHS PTSA Membership Meeting
You're Invited to the ILHS PTSA January Membership Meeting on Thursday, January 9th at 6:30PM at ILHS. The meeting is open to everyone! However, only members can vote on the rules that govern our association, how we spend our money, programs that we bring to the school and more! 

If you haven't purchased your membership yet but want to become a member, no worries! You can join throughout the year! Learn more about the value of PTA membership here!

As of December 16, 20 members are staff and 33 members are students - bringing our total to 157 members. We are 43 members away from our membership goal of 200 members.

2025 Senior Events Update!

Senior Events Update

Coming Soon! 2025 Senior Party Tickets Sales in the New Year! The POGS Committee is finalizing details and ticket sales will start in the new year! Planning for Senior Breakfast will begin in January.


Now Available: Senior Timeline maintained by ILHS staff.

Be sure to bookmark the Senior Events Page and subscribe to the 2025 POGS calendar to stay up to date on senior events. 

Questions? Please email seniorevents@ilhsptsa.org.
Community and PTA News
Northshore School District
ParentSquare Tip: Translation Guidance
Northshore students and families speak more than 100 languages and dialects. If a parent is receiving communication in a language other than English, it is because they indicated that language when enrolling their child. If your family is receiving communication in a language you don't want, there are two options to make a change. Please review this ParentSquare tip on NSD website for step-by-step guidance.

Essay Contest  
Students are invited to submit an essay (650 words or less) about an influential role model that has had a profound impact on their life. The influential role model must be a real person that the student has interacted with, not a fictional character. Deadline for submissions: February 13, 2025
More information and application is available on the WSPTA website. 

Scholarship Opportunity
Washington State PTA (WSPTA) offers four $2,500 scholarships to graduating seniors.
The application deadline is February 13, 2025.
Your valuable insights will help National PTA better understand the needs and preferences of PTA communities and families. Complete the survey to join the opt-in list for participant consideration. Selected participants will receive a $25 gift card, with the potential to upgrade to $50.
Raven Shout Outs

Shout Out to Jane C., Rachel F., Jenn S., and Kim S., plus our amazing Giving Tuesday donors!
A huge thank-you to Jane, Rachel, Jenn, and Kim for volunteering to collect donations for ILHS PTSA and Threads & Treads during the afternoon pick-up line. Thanks to everyone’s generosity, combined with online donations received, we’ve reached a total of $2,651 toward our $6,000 goal! We also collected socks, pajamas, and underwear to support Threads & Treads. We couldn’t do this without your support - thank you! Did You Miss Us on Giving Tuesday? No worries—you can still join make a difference! Donate Today! 


Shout Out to Anna J.!
Thank you, Anna for hosting Coffee & Connections. It was a nice morning connecting with other Raven guardians. 

Shout Out to Maggie R. & Sam H. and Our December Staff Appreciation Donors!
A special thank you to Maggie and Sam for organizing our December Staff Appreciation event and to everyone who generously contributed! Your support made it possible to provide our staff with a delicious variety of cookies, which they thoroughly enjoyed. We’re especially grateful to our cookie donors for baking and sharing such tasty treats - it truly brightened the day for our amazing staff. 

See photo below to check out the delicious cookies that were sent in for staff.

Pictured left to right: Rachel, Jane, Jenn & Kim - our Giving Tuesday elves. 
News from ILHS ASB
We’re excited to share this upcoming event to support ILHS students and programs!
  1. ASB ILHS Clubs & Classes Winter Market
    Wednesday, December 18, 2024
    2:00 - 4:00pm

    Come support ILHS Clubs and Classes at their annual Winter Market! Free entry, but bring cash for trinkets, art, games, food, & more! This event is welcome to all - invite friends and family! 

Upcoming Dates & Events
12/18    ILHS Clubs & Classes Winter Market  | 2pm - 4pm  |  ILHS
12/18    2025 Cap & Gown Orders Due        
12/23    Winter Break Begins        

1/06    First Day Back to School 2025        
1/07    POGS Meeting  | 6:00pm - 8:00pm |  Panera - Bothell
1/08    ILHS Applications Open for 25-26 New Students    
1/09    PTSA Membership Meeting | 6:30pm | ILHS     
1/10    Staff Appreciation - Winter Soup |  Sign Up
1/11    Northshore Council Reflections Art Reception |  3pm - 7pm |  Brightwater Center
1/20    Martin Luther King Day (No School)

Volunteer Opportunities
ILHS PTSA is actively seeking volunteers for the positions below, but there are many other opportunities available too!

  • Co-President
  • Inclusion Chair
Please complete the Volunteer Interest Form, and someone will reach out to you with more details. Visit our website for details.
Innovation Lab High School PTSA 6.10.90
Officer Contact Information (click name to email):

          President - Cassie Curry

          Vice President - Liz Wong

          Treasurer - Rachel Fitzgerald

          Secretary - Karin Potter

Questions about Newsletter? Contact Editor - Jenn Snyder
Like and Follow Us on Facebook and Instagram. 
Bookmark ILHSPTSA.org
A publication of Innovation Lab High School PTSA
The purpose of ILHS PTSA is to support Innovation Lab High School and its unique vision of expeditionary learning. We serve the needs and aspirations of our members while promoting the health, welfare, safety and education of youth in the home, school and community. Through positive engagement and advocacy, we work to build and maintain a community of students, families & staff.
These activities are not sponsored nor endorsed by the Northshore School District or any of its schools. The district assumes no responsibility for the conduct during or the safety of the activities. Northshore School District shall be held harmless from any cause of action, claim, or petition filed in any court or administrative tribunal arising out of the distribution of these materials including attorney's fees and judgment or awards.
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PO Box 11, Bothell, Washington, 98041
