September 18, 2024
Vol. 4 Issue 02 |
Mark Your Calendars for ILHS Curriculum Night!
Thursday, September 26, 2024
Join us early at 5:45 PM for a PTSA Social with snacks! |
ILHS PTSA Listening Session |
ILHS PTSA needs your help to be designated as a National PTA School of Excellence!
Your feedback will help us improve
our family-school partnership and achieve excellence!
Join us for a Listening Session on
Thursday, October 3, 2024
6:15PM | Online
Another way to provide the PTSA feedback is by taking our short Google Survey. It takes about 5 - 10 minutes to complete. Survey closes October 11th. Complete survey.
Calling All Senior Raven Families!
Be part of creating a memorable year for our 2025 graduates!
POGS (Parents of Graduating Seniors) Meeting
Thursday, Oct. 1 | 6pm - 8pm
Panera Bread in Bothell.
Sign up to join the planning team, volunteer at events or just receive updates!
ILHS PTSA Membership Contest
Win a dinner and movie on us! Join or renew your membership with ILHS PTSA by October 10th and be entered to win 2 AMC movie tickets, $25 AMC gift card & a $50 Dough Zone gift card.
As of September 15, we have 104 members! We are over half-way to our goal of 200 members this year.
You belong in the PTSA! Join or Renew today! |
There are no meeting attendance or volunteer requirements to be a member, but we would love to have you join and participate whenever you can! |
Help us reach our fundraising goal of $6,000! |
Please consider donating to our "Raising for Ravens" fundraiser. This easy direct-donation fundraiser supports our programs and events, grants for school/students/staff, and so much more! The suggested donation is $40 per family, but we thank you for any donation amount! |
Students through grade 12 are invited to create original works of art in response to the theme "Accepting Imperfections".
Applications will be available online and in paper form shortly. In the meantime, you and your student can read through the official rules and requirements as well as read about the student who came up with this year's theme "Accepting Imperfections". Submission deadline is just before the Thanksgiving break.
We are looking forward to seeing what our ILHS students create!
Questions? Email ILHS PTSA Reflections chair at reflections@ilhsptsa.org.
We are actively seeking volunteers for the positions below, but there are many other opportunities available too!
- 2025 Parents of Graduating Seniors (POGS) Committee Members
- Family and Community Engagement (FACE) Committee Members
- Grants Committee Members
- Inclusion Committee Members
- Membership Chair (Great for two people to do together)
- School of Excellence Committee Members
Please complete the Volunteer Interest Form, and someone will reach out to you with more details.
It's time for our first Staff Appreciation Lunch of the year on Friday, October 11th. We're kicking off with a Latin theme lunch in honor of Hispanic Heritage month. Help make this possible with the donation of a dish or two. Please see attached SignUp form for more information. This will be a recurring event every second Friday of the month except for the month of April.
Sign up to contribute! |
Upcoming Dates & Events
- Thu 9/26 - ILHS Curriculum Night | TBD | ILHS
PTSA Social - Join us early at 5:45 PM for a PTSA Social with snacks!
Northshore School District
Upcoming Superintendent Engagement Dates
Opportunities for families, students, and staff to share their perspectives directly with Superintendent Tolley. See list of all scheduled dates.
- Spanish Speaking Families/Community
September 28, 2024 |10 am - 12:30 pm
North Creek High School Commons
- General Family Meeting
October 1, 2024 | 6 pm - 7:30 pm
Northshore Admin Building - Board Room
Legislative Assembly
October 26 - 27, 2024 | Seattle Pacific University
Students are encouraged to get involved and attend as delegates.
Delegates will meet in person to discuss, debate, and vote on new issues and resolutions, including the adoption of WSPTA’s 2024-2026 Legislative Platform and Top Five Issues. Learn more about WSPTA Legislative Platform.
Interested in learning more and possibly attending Legislative Assembly with ILHS PTSA? Contact Holly, ILHS PTSA Advocacy Chair at advocacy@ilhsptsa.org for more information.
National PTA
College and Career Readiness Resources
National PTA has College and Career Readiness Resources on their website. The information and resources will help equip students with the knowledge needed to confidently select, prepare, apply, enroll and succeed in college or transitioning to the next best step for their development. |
On Friday, September 6, the PTSA hosted a successful
Welcome Back to School Family Engagement event for a morning of connection and community. The event was well attended, with everyone enjoying fresh donuts and coffee.
A special shout-out goes to Anna Jensen, who spearheaded the planning and made sure there were plenty of treats and beverages for everyone.
Thank you to everyone who joined us and helped make the day such a success! We look forward to seeing even more faces at our upcoming events. Our next PTSA Social will be at Curriculum Night on Thursday, September 26th. Come early (5:45 pm) and socialize with us!
Stay tuned for details on future gatherings, and if you’re interested in getting involved with the PTSA, we’re always looking for new volunteers!
Questions about Newsletter? Contact Editor - Jenn Snyder |
Like and Follow Us on Facebook.
Bookmark ILHSPTSA.org |
A publication of Innovation Lab High School PTSA
The purpose of ILHS PTSA is to support Innovation Lab High School and its unique vision of expeditionary learning. We serve the needs and aspirations of our members while promoting the health, welfare, safety and education of youth in the home, school and community. Through positive engagement and advocacy, we work to build and maintain a community of students, families & staff. |
These activities are not sponsored nor endorsed by the Northshore School District or any of its schools. The district assumes no responsibility for the conduct during or the safety of the activities. Northshore School District shall be held harmless from any cause of action, claim, or petition filed in any court or administrative tribunal arising out of the distribution of these materials including attorney's fees and judgment or awards.
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