It's time for the monthly run-down of important PTSA news and events at Innovation Lab.
We hope you'll find a few minutes to keep up-to-date with our wonderful school! |
PTSA Meeting - THIS Thursday, May 16th
Join us at our LAST PTSA meeting of the year!
At 6:30pm in the ILHS Commons we'll be hearing from JoLynn Berge, NSD deputy superintendent and CFO, with an update on the NSD 2024-2025 budget.
This presentation will be in-person only.
At 7pm in the ILHS Commons & via Zoom* we'll have our PTSA meeting.
We will hear an update from Ms. Tiffany & two incoming ASB leaders, vote in our new PTSA officers and approve a preliminary PTSA budget for the 2024-2025 year!
This is a super important meeting so we need as many members to attend as possible - gotta meet quorum so we can vote!
See you there!
*You can also email president@ilhsptsa.org to request the Zoom link.
Better World Day & Spring Showcase
Volunteers & Items Needed!
Better World Day (BWD) and the Spring Showcase are coming up on Wednesday, May 22nd!
We're looking for some volunteers to help out during BWD and we're also looking for a few outdoor games/activities donations for the Spring Showcase event.
Can you help?
Spring Showcase Game/Activity Donation/Lending:
WHAT IS BWD: Students at ILHS have been working on projects to better their school, their community or even the world since fall of this year. This event is the culmination of their work. They share their projects with their peers with displays and presentations.
WHAT IS SPRING SHOWCASE: An open-house type of event for current, incoming and interested families to view student projects. There will be informational tours, staff and students to answer questions, students talking about projects, food trucks, music, activities and outdoor games. |
From the Student Better World Day Committee:
Hello friends and family of ILHS Ravens!
We would like to invite
YOU to our Better World Day event on May 22nd from 9:30-11:30am (talk to your student for more specifics)!
Better World Day is a long term project students embark on each year to improve the communities around them, and our event is where students present all of the changes and progress they have made.
When you visit the event, please make sure to contact your student when you arrive. Your student will lead you around the presentations and booths. Students need to be with the person who is attending at all times, so make sure you have good communication.
If you aren't able to make it during the day, please consider attending the Spring Showcase later that evening from 5-7pm.
We can't wait to see people support our Ravens! THANK YOU! |
May Staff Appreciation Week:
THANK YOU to everyone who contributed to Staff Appreciation Week! With your help we were able to shower the amazing ILHS staff with snacks, beverages, Wish List gifts & a delicious picnic-theme luncheon!
We are keeping the Staff Wish Lists up through the end of the year so we can continue to show them the LOVE! Visit this LINK to see all of the active Wish Lists.
THANK YOU to our incredible PTSA Staff Appreciation Team - Maggie & Samantha - for working hard all year to plan and organize these events to make sure the ILHS staff knows how much we appreciate all they do for our kiddos! |
2024-2025 PTSA Membership Presales
Cross an item off your to-do list while supporting our school!
Class of 2024 Graduation Party!
Thursday, June 20
Arena Sports, Mill Creek
(Seniors only. No guests.)
Laser tag
Mini golf
Climbing Walls
Ropes course
Photo ops
Movie/quiet room
$150 - Tickets sales END May 31st
Tickets NOT sold at door.
Parents/guardians are needed to volunteer at the Grad Party. Plan ahead to ensure you have completed a Level 2 NSD Volunteer Application, which includes a background check.
(Note: The NSD website states that applications can take up to 3 weeks to process!)
Speaking of Seniors.......
We have a SENIOR BREAKFAST event coming up on Wednesday, June 12th!
We're going to celebrate our seniors with PANCAKE GOODNESS!
If you would like to donate a food item or griddle or if you'd like to help flip some pancakes, please view the sign-up below!
Show Your Raven Spirit!
Sport a waterproof, weatherproof ILHS Raven mascot sticker on your water bottles, binders, computer, or family car.
Sticker orders are open through June 10.
Orders will be mailed to your home address and will be received within 2 weeks of your order date. |
ILHS Esports Charity Livestream
Friday, May 17th 6pm - Sunday, May 19th 6pm
The Innovation Lab High School Esports team will be doing a 48 hour-long charity livestream benefiting Seattle Children’s Hospital!
The mission of Seattle Children’s Hospital is to improve treatments for more than 200 diseases and conditions to discover the most effective, least invasive and best options for the kids who need it most.
What - 48 hour long ILHS charity stream
When - May 17th to May 19th 2024
Where - Online at https://www.twitch.tv/ravenclad_esports
Why - To support Seattle Children’s Hospital
Donation links will go "live" when the event starts!
View the Campaign Here: https://tiltify.com/@ilhsesports/ilhs-2024-charity-stream
Donate Here: https://donate.tiltify.com/5eed21a3-8c76-4a35-a073-45bef72b2c96
Upcoming Dates & Events
- May 16 - ILHS PTSA Membership Meeting
- May 17 - 19 - ILHS Esports Charity Livestream benefiting Seattle Children's Hospital
- May 17-19 - WSPTA Convention and Annual Meeting
- May 22 - Better World Day | 9am - 12pm (volunteer here)
- May 22 - Spring Showcase | 5pm - 7pm (lend an activity here)
- May 31 - Class of 2024 Grad Party Ticket Deadline (buy tickets here)
- June 12 - Senior Breakfast (donate & volunteer here) & Memories Assembly
- June 14 - Senior's Last Day of School (where are my tissues? sniffle)
- June 20 - Senior Class Graduation Party
- June 21 - Class of 2024 GRADUATION DAY!
You belong in the PTSA! Join or Renew today! |
A publication of Innovation Lab High School PTSA
The purpose of ILHS PTSA is to support Innovation Lab High School and its unique vision of expeditionary learning. We serve the needs and aspirations of our members while promoting the health, welfare, safety and education of youth in the home, school and community. Through positive engagement and advocacy, we work to build and maintain a community of students, families & staff. |
These activities are not sponsored nor endorsed by the Northshore School District or any of its schools. The district assumes no responsibility for the conduct during or the safety of the activities. Northshore School District shall be held harmless from any cause of action, claim, or petition filed in any court or administrative tribunal arising out of the distribution of these materials including attorney's fees and judgment or awards.
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