This email is your monthly run-down of important PTSA news and events at Innovation Lab. We hope you'll find a few minutes to keep up-to-date with our wonderful school! |
Mark Your Calendar!
ILHS PTSA Membership Meeting
Thursday, March 21
6:30pm (@ ILHS and via Zoom)
Stay tuned for details in future emails. |
Donate to the Food Pantry
Thanks in part to a grant from the ILHS PTSA, our school has a new Food Pantry, to support ILHS students who may be experiencing food insecurity. Donated items will provide food for weekends and over school breaks.
What the Food Pantry currently needs:
- Individually packaged foods: Crackers, trail mix, nuts, single-serve cereal boxes, breakfast bars, noodles (i.e., ramen), fruit leather, instant oatmeal, applesauce, jerky sticks or tuna pouches.
- Canned goods: Vegetables, SpaghettiOs
- Microwavable popcorn
- Other non-perishable items
Please bring items to the "Food Pantry" box in ILHS lobby. All items must be individually packaged.
If you have any questions, you can reach out to Sarah Gardner at sgardner@nsd.org or Brienne Gilbert at bgilbert@nsd.org.
This puppy is sad.
Because we still don't have volunteers for the (very important)
PTSA Nominating Committee.
Here's the deal:
As a membership association, it is important that our members have a say in who will lead our PTSA into the next school year. In order to be sure that all voices are heard, each year we recruit three PTSA member volunteers to help us identify our next set of PTSA officers. So, this means we need three volunteers to help us identify our next set of PTSA officers. We will be electing new officers at our May meeting and two of our officers are hitting their term limits, so time is of the essence.
If you're new to the school or don't know a lot of people in the ILHS community, that's OK. All that's required is your enthusiasm and passion for ILHS, and we can help you with the rest!
Our sincere apologies for our shameless use of an adorable puppy photo to get your attention. |
We are so lucky...
To have such a wonderful staff!
Irish Staff Lunch
Friday, March 8
Let's show our ILHS teachers and staff how grateful we are for all they do.
ILHS Student Artist Honored
We are excited to announce that ILHS 9th-grader Azure Huang has been named as a State Qualifier in two categories (Photography and Visual Arts) of the PTA Reflections program!
Congratulations, Azure! |
ASB Election Update
Calling all (current and aspiring) student leaders!
The ASB election application form will be open February 26 - March 8.
Students interested in running for office should check out the student Schoology group and the ILHS student web page.
ASB Short Film Competition
Submission Deadline: April 14, 2024
Student films are now being accepted for the Raven Film Festival!
Find resources for making your film, competition details, and submission guidelines on the ASB website. |
You belong in the PTSA! Join or Renew today! |
A publication of Innovation Lab High School PTSA
The purpose of ILHS PTSA is to support Innovation Lab High School and its unique vision of expeditionary learning. We serve the needs and aspirations of our members while promoting the health, welfare, safety and education of youth in the home, school and community. Through positive engagement and advocacy, we work to build and maintain a community of students, families & staff. |
These activities are not sponsored nor endorsed by the Northshore School District or any of its schools. The district assumes no responsibility for the conduct during or the safety of the activities. Northshore School District shall be held harmless from any cause of action, claim, or petition filed in any court or administrative tribunal arising out of the distribution of these materials including attorney's fees and judgment or awards.
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